Make Your Smoothies Taste Better With This Wild Blueberry Summer Blast
Over time, consumers’ appreciation for farming began to dwindle and the connection between the farm (our original food source) and our tables became more obscure.
Thankfully, over the last decade, the “real foods” movement has resurged, opening the eyes of consumers and encouraging us to ask more questions about where our food comes from and the impact it has on our bodies and health. How does overly processed food-stuff that’s created in a lab compare to wholesome, natural, unaltered foods? What effect does it have when it comes to our health, the taste of our food, and the pleasure of eating? Best-selling author and journalist Michael Pollan says it best: “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.”

Some consumers now regard certain food categories as mandatory: non-GMO, organic, grass-fed, gluten-free, no added sugar, natural, sustainable, wild, wild-caught, and more, and we will continue to see new categories emerge and flourish.
On the flip side, processed food manufacturers continue to inundate us with temptation and abundance. Fat, salt, and sugar are the trifecta for food addiction and food manufacturers know the exact ratio to keep us coming back for more. These flavor enhancers have overpowered our natural taste perceptions and triggered our cravings out of control.
The best way to fight this manufactured food addition is to find natural foods that satisfy these cravings, all while boosting our health. The intense flavor and vibrant colors of natural fruits, like lowbush Wild Blueberries, is a perfect solution for those pesky sweet yearnings. Wild Blueberries, for example, serve as nature’s candy, packed in a tiny package and frozen within 24 hours of harvest to retain the most flavor and nutritional value. They’re packed with more taste, less water, more fiber, and double the amount of antioxidants than the ordinary highbush blueberry.
Research shows that in as little as two to three weeks, our taste buds and taste preferences can change. After shunning the three main culprits – fat, salt, and sugar – for a short period of time, we become more sensitive to them and crave them less. This allows us to appreciate the simple essence of natural produce, like the sweetness of Wild Blueberries.
And yet, Americans consume on average 20-30 teaspoons of sugar a day. Overconsumption of sugar-laden foods and beverages, along with refined processed foods, can (and have) lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
But sweetness doesn’t have to mean sugar. You can find natural sweetness in a variety of foods, including fruits. Wild Blueberries are a low-glycemic food, registering only 53 on the glycemic index (GI) scale, a measurement of how food impacts blood sugar levels after eating. Compared to regular blueberries, Wild Blueberries contain only 10 grams of sugar per cup vs. 15 grams of sugar per cup. In addition, a smaller berry means you can have more per serving. More Wild Blueberries means more berry skins, and nearly double the amount of fiber, an indigestible component of plant foods that helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
So, skip the usual store-bought smoothies, packed with added sugars and bombed with fruit. Try a homemade green smoothie, instead, which can offer a healthy balance of vegetables, fruits, good fats, and protein.
This smoothie recipe is bursting with flavor and packs a nutritional punch, perfect as a refreshing summer treat that’ll keep you healthy, maybe wealthy, and most definitely wise.