Wild About Blueberries Blog
Tips, recipes and more

One thing every Wild Blueberry grower loves, and that’s a honeybee!
Honeybees are getting ready for the kind of sweet indulgence that’s found only once a year on the barrens of Eastern Maine, Quebec and Canada. Over the next 20-25 days, no fewer than one billion honeybees – from Maine and “from away” – will descend upon tens of thousands of… Read More

A Healthy and Colorful Wild Blueberry Twist on Traditional Pasta Salad
I just love a good pasta salad. There’s something about eating chilled pasta that takes away the heaviness and makes it light and refreshing. And there’s really no better time than the spring to enjoy a pasta salad. It’s the perfect way to highlight the best of what spring has… Read More

History in the Wild Blueberry Barrens
Spring is finally breaking on the New Brunswick border in Down East, Maine, where the St. Croix River cuts a fluid natural boundary between the United States and Canada and Wild Blueberry fields cover the land. “It was one of the coldest winters we’ve seen in decades; we had about… Read More

Mother’s Day Brunch Recipe: Poached Salmon and Wild Blueberry Crème Fraiche
During the summers of my grade-school years, my mom would send me to stay with my Grandparents in Brooklyn. I loved being there. I got to be an only child for a few months and had my Grandmother all to myself. My fondest childhood memories are of those summers. My… Read More

Refined Sugar-Free Wild Blueberry Yogurt Recipe + Sqooshi Giveaway
Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters. My daughter, Mia, is no exception. I actually called her doctor a few weeks ago in a panic because she hadn’t eaten anything containing protein in 6 days. Luckily, Mia has the most patient, compassionate and understanding doctor in the world. And instead of telling… Read More

How Much Food are You Wasting? Probably More than You Care to Admit.
I turned 50 this year and along with facing my mortality directly in the mirror, I also embarked on – along with my reluctant husband Eric – some serious financial planning. This started with scrutinizing our monthly budget. When Eric said he thought we spend too much money on food,… Read More

Power Up with This Protein-Packed Wild Blueberry Smoothie
Good news, my friends – spring seems to have officially arrived! This would be great news no matter what, but as a runner, I’m even more excited to welcome the warmer temps and bright mornings. No more pitch dark early morning runs? Sounds good to me! No matter the weather,… Read More

Make-Ahead Wild Blueberry Stuffed French Toast: A Brunch Favorite
This make-ahead Wild Blueberry Stuffed French Toast casserole is perfect for Easter brunch! It’s neither overly sweet nor too eggy and has the perfect amount of crunch on the outside and smooth texture inside. It is delicious with a drizzle of Wild Blueberry syrup! In our family, holidays are celebrated… Read More

Recipe: Wild Blueberry Salsa from the Freezer Aisle by Liz Weiss, MS, RD
Part three of a three-part series with Liz Weiss that celebrates the advantages of frozen food. Also see: Part 1, Part 2. Did you know that 40% of the food grown in the United States is wasted? From farm to fork, nearly half of all our food goes uneaten. That statistic… Read More

Wild Blueberry & Miso Salad Dressing Recipe
By Danielle Omar, RD and Nutrition Consultant There’s still some lingering snow left on the ground but I can hear the birds chirping outside my office window — a surefire sign that spring is on the horizon! Spring shows up in the produce aisle on a wave of green and… Read More