Wild About Blueberries Blog
Tips, recipes and more

Blu-Flow study spotlights wild blueberries’ support of cardiovascular and cognitive function
By Kitty Broihier, MS, RD, LD June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness Month, a good time to learn more about howwe can help support our own brain health with lifestyle choices. Interestingly, the same lifestylehabits that can benefit our brains also help our hearts (read more on this connection… Read More

New Research Study Indicates Wild Blueberries Improve Fat Oxidation Rates
In a recently published pilot study where male participants consumed the powder equivalent of about one cup of wild blueberries daily for two weeks, it was found that their fat oxidation rates improved during a period of moderate-intensity cycling (1). Fat oxidation (FAT-ox) is the rate at which fatty acids… Read More

A New Dietary Recommendation to Boost Heart Health—Bring on the Berries, Tea and Cocoa
By Kitty Broihier, MS, RD, LD A month dedicated to hearts is romantic, but it can also be an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to taking care of our hearts. February is Heart Month, when the American Heart Association encourages us to adopt heart-healthy lifestyle and eating habits, such as consuming a wide variety… Read More

New Research Study Indicates Wild Blueberries Improve Brain’s Processing Speed
In a recently published study where volunteer participants with cognitive issues consumed wild blueberries daily for six months, it was found that the speed at which the participants could process information increased. Cognitive processing speed is defined as the speed at which our brains process information and use it to… Read More

Easy Ways To Maintain Nutrient Density In Our Diets As We Age
Written by Kitty Broihier, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition advisor and spokesperson for the Wild Blueberry Association of North America. Did you ever hear an older person in your life say “I just don’t have an appetite” or “I rarely feel hungry anymore.” No, it’s not just in their heads. It’s… Read More

Why Choose Frozen Wild Blueberries?
Frozen foods tend to get a bad reputation for being unhealthy and hyper processed, but truth be told, you can actually find amazing and nutritious healthy food options in the frozen foods aisle – especially when it comes to frozen fruits and vegetables. Since the concept of flash-freezing fruits and… Read More

Wild Blueberries and Lifelong Brain Health—What the Science Shows
You try to eat well to nourish your body, but what about your brain? In general, incorporating an eating style that helps keep your brain sharp has certain characteristics: it’s low in fatty animal protein, higher in plant protein and legumes, rich in whole grains, and emphasizes healthy fats and seafood…. Read More

What on Earth is an “Anthocyanin”?
If you’re an avid Wild Blueberry eater, chances are you’ve read or heard about how chock-full of antioxidants these tiny, potent berries are – but have you heard about their anthocyanins? Pronounced “an-tho-sigh-a-nins”, these plant compounds are abundant in Wild Blueberries and give them their pretty purple-blue hue. A growing body of… Read More

Why Frozen Wild Blueberries are Actually Fresher
When we see or hear the word “frozen” in front of different foods, we automatically think it’s not good for us or that those foods aren’t nutritious. In reality, many frozen foods – especially fruits and vegetables – may have more nutritious value than their fresh counterparts. For example, the… Read More

Does a healthy gut play any role in brain health?
In this, the second part of our Brain Health series, we take a look at the impact of the digestive system and fiber on brain health. (Read part one, Can What We Eat Help Our Brains as We Age?) Meet your microbiome All of us host a huge number of bacteria… Read More