Wild About Blueberries Blog
Tips, recipes and more

What’s all the Buzz about Polyphenols?
We’ve all heard about the value of an antioxidant rich diet, right? Now, scientists are starting to uncover the miracle of polyphenols, a certain class of antioxidants that are getting intense scrutiny and a lot of praise. So what, exactly, are polyphenols? Polyphenols are natural chemical compounds that protect plants… Read More

Easy Dinner: Wild Blueberry Twice Baked Sweet Potato
The first time I watched my husband dress his baked sweet potato I was speechless. Although it was quite a few years ago, I remember it as though it were yesterday. I stared in horror as he packed a 4 oz. ramekin to the brim with brown sugar, and then… Read More

National Wine Critic Gives Two New Wild Blueberry Wines Rave Reviews
Ray Isle admits he was initially suspicious of Wild Blueberry wines. Isle is Executive Wine Editor at Food & Wine and a foremost expert and connoisseur of fine wines. He travels exhaustively, exploring terroir, the environmental conditions – especially soil and climate – that give wine its unique flavor and… Read More

Maine’s Most Radical Restaurant is Serving Wild Blueberries and Seaweed for Dessert
Second only to San Francisco in number of restaurants per capita, it takes courage today to open a restaurant in Portland, Maine. Not only did David Scott Levi open one in 2013, he made a philosophical pledge that had never been tried anywhere in America. His restaurant, Vinland, is the… Read More

Meet “Future Chef” Drew, A First Grader Who Wowed Judges With His Wild Blueberry Salsa
Kids seem to naturally love the taste of Wild Blueberries, and six-year old Drew Stowell from Connecticut is no exception. He says, “I like the way they taste…they’re sweeter!” We agree, Drew! We were thrilled to learn that he adapted one of our recipes to create his own unique salsa… Read More

Gluten-Free Wild Blueberry and Apple Crisp with a Healthy Twist
Cobbler. Crisp. Crumble. Whatever you call it, it’s a dessert with many flavors. My delicious Wild Blueberry and Apple Crisp was baked with the fruit mixture on the bottom and has a crumb topping, making it a crisp. If you didn’t know, the difference between a crumble and a crisp… Read More

Health Research Reveals Wild Blueberries are Good for the Gums
Everyone knows that Wild Blueberries – with their significant antioxidant and phytonutrient capacity – are a great addition to your diet. But a new study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that the polyphenols in these powerful little berries can help fight gum disease too. A… Read More

Got The Back-to-School Breakfast Blues?
If you’ve got kids (or are in school yourself), chances are the beginning of the school year brings feelings of excitement, but also a little wistfulness. Long lazy summer days have turned into hectic school days. How to get back into a routine? A healthy (and tasty) breakfast is a… Read More

Best Blends – Easy Grab and Go Wild Blueberry Breakfast Smoothies
By now all the kiddos are back in school and if your mornings are like mine – they often feel rushed and chaotic no matter how much planning gets done the night before. I have two teenage daughters still at home and most mornings they are hitting snooze over and… Read More

Go Raw this Summer with this Simple Summer Gazpacho Recipe
One summer a few years back I fell in love with raw food. I’ve always been a salad girl but I had no idea there were so many delicious and flavorful ways to enjoy raw food. I spent hours and hours reading the (limited) research available on the health benefits… Read More