Red, White & Blue: Wild Blueberries are Delicious, Heart Healthy & Very Patriotic

Happy Memorial Day!
Grills have been firing up around the country this long weekend, and we’ve found plenty examples of ways outdoor cooks are combining cook-out staples, healthy food, and patriotism.
Ann Arbor’s Peggy Lampman puts her passion for the burger on the line with this Grilled Blueberry Burger and isn’t disappointed. The blueberries provide the juiciness to a leaner burger that’s good for your heart. Get the ingenious recipe!
The Cranberry Patch offers up their patriotic mojito as a way to add the “blue” to the red, white, and blue at your picnic. Here’s the rundown: For 1 gallon of blueberry mojitos, take a ½ pint of pureed blueberries and add 1 quart of Bacardi rum. Add 3 quarts of Sprite and 6 chopped mint leaves. Mix together and add crushed ice and garnish with a lime.
Finally, The Stir has 10 Memorial Day Recipes that include unique last minute ideas like Red, White & Blueberry Skewers — these colorful fruit-laden kabobs are utterly appealing to everyone (especially the kids) and an ideal way to forgo the pies and cakes. Bravo!
Have a happy and healthy holiday and enjoy this day of remembrance.