12 Wild Days of Pure Blue, Day 3: Give It Away
It’s the true meaning of Christmas, and this year, demand for help is up. Charitable organizations need money, time, and in-kind donations more than ever. Hopes for most organizations rise at this time of year – they depend on seasonal generosity to be a reminder for those to give so they can keep up with demand.
The multitude of appeals can be overwhelming sometimes, but givers need only to choose the charity they feel an affinity toward, and give. If you don’t have a favorite charity, check local organizations to see where the plea to meet need is loudest.
Here are 10 ways to give, combined, just for fun, with a touch of blue.
Day 3: Something Blue (or Otherwise) to Give
* Angel Trees. For some it’s a holiday tradition to have an item on the Christmas list for an anonymous recipient. Shop knowing your gift will be appreciated. Wrap it, if you like, in blue and gold.
* Meals on Wheels. Volunteer or decide to include cards or cookies (or blueberry stollen) to be delivered along with meals to local participants in this relied-upon program.
* Humane Society or Shelter. While wild blueberry dog treats might be appreciated, check with the shelter to make sure you are giving what they need. Treats and chew bones might be easy to come by, whereas dog beds or cold hard cash might be higher on the list.
* Local Food Bank. Volunteer some time on your holiday, and make giving usurp the receiving this day. Or, give food and stave off blues for those who visit. Again, ask for your food banks needs – cereal counts may be high, for example, while veggies may top the list instead.
* Moveable Feasts. Take your turkey and blueberry compote and some loot to a deserving family this year. Take the initiative and make this transaction mano-a-mano, or sign up for a formal program, such as Adopt a Family.
* Nursing Homes. Bring your blueberry blintzes and sing Blue Christmas! Your time is always welcome even if food is plentiful – there are many elderly that don’t have family visitors and welcome a little cheer.

* Children’s Hospitals, Social Services and Agencies or Nonprofits. Consider the organization that helps you all year and decide to show your appreciation. Something as simple as delivering a blueberry pie for local firemen working on Christmas Day can do wonders to brighten the holiday.
* Soldier Care Packages. Some are home this year, but some are still away, and it’s the perfect time of year to think of the red, white, and blue for those serving who can’t be home this time around.
* Volunteer. The Salvation Army welcomes those who want to wear blue or any color, and shake the bell for a cause.
* Attend an Event. Buy a ticket to a charity event, school performance or an arts organization. Supporting a nonprofit can be as simple as showing up for what they have to offer. The blues, perhaps?