There are two kinds of blueberries.
One can
change your brand.

Wild Forms to Meet Your Wild Needs!

Wild blueberries are available in virtually any format you need—with new, innovative forms emerging as part of the industry’s ongoing R&D efforts. Wild blueberry product developers are continually addressing new challenges, while striving to improve the performance of existing ingredient forms.

Individually Quick Frozen (IQF)Year-round
Dried / Dehydrated / Sugar-InfusedYear-round
Glass JarsYear-round
FreshAug – Sept
Frozen FreshYear-round

For Nature’s Better Blueberry, Go Wild!

Add value to your food, drinks and related products by using frozen or processed wild blueberries. Check with your local broker or distributor or use the Wild Blueberries Source List provided below. Wild blueberries are grown in regions of Maine and Canada, and the listed companies represent the major processors and primary (initial) sources of frozen and processed wild blueberries. They provide wild blueberries worldwide for all food- and beverage-related uses (bakery, packaged goods/industrial, food service, produce) either directly or through their own network of brokers/distributors. Visit “Schools“, for supply information related to U.S. school foodservice.

U.S. SourcesProduct FormsContact
WR Allen, Inc.
267 Front Ridge Rd
Orland, ME 04472
IQFSimeon Allen
t 207-469-2307
B Wild
PO Box 966
Calais, Me 04619
IQF, fresh, fresh frozen, jamGreg Bridges
t 207-214-6664
BluetBulk fresh-pressed juice and bulk 6% alcohol wineMichael Terrien
t 207-536-8002
Blue Sky Produce
243 Tory Hill
Phillips, ME 04966
Fresh pints, quarts and bulk; frozen 17oz, 26oz, 5lb and bulkLynn Thurston
t 207-684-2172
Brodis Wild BlueberriesFresh quarts, 5 and 10 pound fresh and frozen berries and a variety of of wild blueberry inspired products from jams and sauces to alcoholic spirits.Ron Howard
Brodis Wild Blueberries
t 207-975-4413
Cherryfield Foods Inc
320 Ridge Road
Cherryfield, ME 04622
Concentrate, IQF- ingredient carton pack, foodservice pack and retail packs, purée, sweet and driedLaurie Brown
t 207-546-7573  x2111
f 902-447-2102
Franklin Processing Inc.
P.O. Box 200
(7 Winter Road)
Franklin, ME 04634
IQFJohn Collins
t 207-565-5021
Jasper Wyman & Son
PO Box 100
Milbridge, ME 04658
Canned, concentrate, foodservice packs, IQF, IQF retail club, purée, otherTom Hugill
t 207-883-0214
m 207-318-2719
f 207-541-7427
Maine Wild Blueberry Co
Mail: 320 Ridge Road
Cherryfield, ME 04622
Ship: 50 Elm St
Machias, ME 04654
Concentrate, IQF- ingredient carton pack, foodservice pack and retail packs, purée, sweet and dried Laurie Brown
t 207-546-7573 x2111
f 207-546-7810
Merrill Blueberry Farms Inc
PO Box 149
Ellsworth, ME 04605
IQF and IQF OrganicTodd Merrill
t 800-711-6551
t 207-667-9750
f 207-667-4052
Passamaquoddy Wild Blueberry Co.
1292 US Highway 1
Columbia Falls, ME 04623
IQF 30 lb cases – conventional and organic
Freeze-Dried – bulk and retail packs
100% Native American Tribe owned and operated
Holli Francis, Product Manager
t 207-214-8571

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