Welcome to Wild About School Food!
Are rising food costs getting the best of you? Is sourcing and preparing the healthiest foods a tribulation? Is food waste a weekly heartache? The Wild About School Food Blog is here to help you with some of the key challenges of your busy and demanding job.
- Reducing Serving Costs: Get the inside scoop on ways to stretch your commodity food dollars
- Improving Student Participation:Access proven school recipes that students love
- Addressing Operational Concerns: Get easy-to-serve bulk recipes, using limited ingredients
- Delivering Health and Nutrition: Meet USDA guidelines and get the credit you deserve
Today, Wild About School Food is excited to share some breaking news and introduce you to a tiny, mighty ingredient that’s simple-to-use and can dramatically increase the nutritional value and appeal of your menu. And now, because of new USDA yield information, you can save money too.
This school nutrition solution is so tiny, so mighty, so delicious, you won’t believe it. It’s one of nature’s super fruits, created more than 10,000 years ago by Mother Nature herself. It’s universally LOVED, requires no washing, no peeling, no chopping. And now, it’s cheaper than ever before. It’s purple, it’s wild, it’s delicious, and while it’s a breakfast superstar, it isn’t just for breakfast anymore. Introducing Wild Blueberries!
These tiny powerhouses are NOT the same as their highbush cultivated cousins. They have a more intense blueberry taste kids love and we think you’re going to love ‘em too. Here’s two big reasons why:
Breaking News!!!
Per new USDA Additional Yield Information data, Wild Blueberries provide 25% more servings than the same weight of cultivated blueberries.

Wild Blueberries carry less water weight than big cultivated blueberries. Not only do you get more berries in each cup, you get more servings in every case.
Frozen Wild Blueberries are available on the USDA foods available list in both 30lb cases (item #100243) and NEW this season– convenient 24lb cases (item # 100242) containing 8 three pound bags.
2) Introducing Eight New Bulk Recipes
Endorsed for their popularity and operational ease by school food service professionals, these eight step-by-step recipes have up-to-date component credit info to help meet USDA guidelines.