Top 5 Antioxidant Smoothie Energy Boosters

Antioxidants are everywhere. They’re in our food and in our beauty products. They’re in the headlines and on the news. Everywhere you turn it seems, someone is talking about antioxidants. Most of us know that antioxidants are good for us and that we should aim to get more in our diets but what you may not know is what antioxidants actually are and how they work in your body.


Antioxidants are substances that protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are atoms that are especially reactive to cells and may interfere with their function.

How exactly do free radicals accumulate in the body, you ask?

  • Exposure to air pollutants and cigarette smoke
  • Consuming unhealthy foods like highly processed and fried foods
  • Exposure to pesticides
  • Taking medications
  • Exposure to radiation

If your body has too many free radicals floating around, it can lead to cell damage (a process known as oxidation). That oxidative stress may play a role in unhealthy aging and the development of chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmune disorders, and heart disease.

The good news is we have the antidote – all we have to do is eat healthy foods rich in antioxidants. These “free radical fighters” are abundant in fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices. Antioxidants can reduce the formation of free radicals or neutralize their effects, potentially helping to lower the risk of chronic disease and slow down the effects of aging.

Looking for a simple way to include more antioxidants into your diet? Use smoothies as your antioxidant vehicle! Smoothies make it easy to incorporate antioxidant-rich foods into your day. Wondering which ingredients to start with to add an antioxidant punch to your smoothie? Try my top five antioxidant smoothie boosters listed below:

  1. Spinach: Popeye was onto something. Spinach contains a variety of antioxidants, including the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin (known especially for their role in eye health) and vitamins A, C and E. Plus, spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, folate, magnesium, iron, B vitamins and calcium. Spinach is the perfect antioxidant-rich ingredient to make a mean green smoothie!
  2. Walnuts: You’re gonna go nuts over this one. DYK that nuts contain antioxidants too? Some researchers report that walnuts contain almost 2x the amount of antioxidants compared to other nuts. While the verdict on that is still out, we do know that walnuts are a good source of protein, fiber, copper, magnesium and phosphorous. They’re also the only nut that’s significantly high in omega 3-s. Unfortunately, Americans aren’t getting too nutty. Nuts only account for less than 8% of Americans’ daily antioxidant intake. Embrace your inner nuttiness and start adding walnuts to your smoothies!
  3. Wild Blueberries: Wild Blueberries contain 2x the antioxidants of regular, cultivated blueberries. That’s not all; these tiny little berries pack a powerful nutrition punch. This antioxidant-rich fruit is an excellent source of fiber (25% DV) and manganese (200% DV), which is important for bone health. Add a cup of frozen Wild Blueberries to your next smoothie to add sweetness, antioxidants and to help keep your smoothie cold. I love using frozen fruit over fresh because it helps keep the smoothie cold without needing to add ice, which can dilute the flavor. Good thing 99% of the Wild Blueberry crop is frozen! They’re the ultimate ingredient to start any smoothie!
  4. Cinnamon: Spices do more than just enhance flavor. Spices like cinnamon contain antioxidants that have just as much potency (if not more) as fruits and vegetables. One study found that cinnamon had the most potent antioxidant effects compared to several vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard, Jerusalem artichoke and red cabbage. Sprinkle cinnamon into your next smoothie to add sweetness without the added sugar.
  5. Avocados: This beautiful green fruit is a nutrition powerhouse containing vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, folate and monounsaturated fat. They also boast antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein and vitamins C and E. Throw some avocado into your next smoothie to add creaminess and fight off free radicals.

If you’re looking to up your antioxidant game, try my Energy-Boosting Wild Blueberry Smoothie on for starters. It’s loaded with antioxidant-rich foods like frozen fresh Wild Blueberries, strawberries, spinach, avocado and walnuts. Plus, many of these ingredients are natural energy-boosters, containing the right balance of protein, fiber and good-for-you fats for long-lasting fuel. The sweet berries and dates do a nice job of masking the savory taste of the spinach, avocado, nuts and seeds because every healthy smoothie deserves to be delicious, too! And for all my vegan friends this recipe will work for you. Sip on this smoothie in the morning or mid-afternoon for natural energy that lasts.

Wild Blueberry Toast – Easy Valentine’s Day Breakfast Recipe

A few years after my daughter was born, my husband started a tradition. Every year for Valentine’s Day he would buy us matching necklaces. Over the years my daughter and I have received some beautiful pieces. Norah and I can’t wait to open those little boxes on February 14th. It’s become a really fun tradition in our family.

In return for his loving generosity, we make him breakfast in bed. It usually includes something Norah and I can make together. French toast and pancakes are regular features, but we’ve made a few smoothies and even an omelet one year! This year we are surprising him with heart-shaped Coconut Peanut Butter Wild Blueberry Toast.

Wild Blueberry Heart Toast

My husband is quite the Wild Blueberry connoisseur. Over the last year he has been lead taste-tester for all of my Wild Blueberry recipes. Because of this, he has become a huge Wild Blueberry fan. He eats at least a handful of them every day, whether in his protein shake before the gym, stirred into a bowl of warm oatmeal, or as a flavorful add-in to his famous protein pancakes. Frozen Wild Blueberries are perfect for adding intense, sweetly unique blueberry flavor to many a favorite dish. He loves the boost of robust Wild Blueberry flavor and I love that he gets a potent burst of nutrition!

Wild Blueberry Sandwich Spread

My Coconut Peanut Butter Wild Blueberry Toast is a play on your old-school PBJ! Creamy peanut butter is mixed with frozen Wild Blueberries, shredded coconut, vanilla, and a touch of honey. I slathered this delicious nut-butter and Wild Blueberry mixture onto 4 pieces of toasted heart-shaped bread. You can use any type of bread your sweetie likes. I could not resist using a homemade loaf I found called “seduction.” Perfect for Valentine’s day, right?


The intense purple color of the nut butter mixture is just gorgeous and brightens up the plate. It’s the perfect combination of beauty and flavor! My heart-shaped toast will be a fun departure from the norm this year. Although he wasn’t able to be my taste tester for this recipe, I’m sure he will love it just the same…and so will we!

Perfecting the Scone: A Professional Baker’s #1 Secret

Natasha Holgers didn’t start out as a baker. She studied savory foods in culinary school and worked for years in restaurants. But baking, and specifically pastry, lured her, and finally – about 7 years ago – she resisted the urge no more. Natasha is now pastry production manager at award-winning and critically acclaimed Standard Baking Co., a hot artisanal bakery, located on the waterfront in Portland, Maine. This bakery is so popular that on summer days, they have been known to sell out…of everything.

Natasha Holgers

One of Standard’s most popular baked goods is a Wild Blueberry Scone. The recipe for this scrumptious creation was developed 10 years ago as a way to feature local Wild Blueberries year round, and it remains a vital part of the repertoire. Standard Baking Co. makes about 250-300 scones a day during the busy summer season. The most popular is the prized Wild Blueberry Scone. During a recent morning conversation, Natasha shared the story of this scone and one very important baker’s secret that adds to its perfection.

Standard Baking Scone

What is the driving philosophy at Standard Baking?

I would say that we place enormous value on sourcing only the best ingredients. All of our whole grains and whole grain flours are 100% organic and sourced as much as possible from farms in Maine and Quebec. We choose organic, locally grown products and buy from small, family-owned suppliers whenever possible. Our naturally-leavened breads are made with our own organic starters, without any commercial yeast. We emphasize freshness, flavor and nutritional value in all of our choices.

What do you love about scones?

As a baker, scones offer so much possibility for working with seasonal ingredients and interesting flavor combinations. They’re a great way to incorporate whole grains and less refined sweeteners, or to feature a great local dairy product, like buttermilk. As an eater, I love the crunchy edges and buttery, flakey texture. It’s my first choice of treat with a cup of coffee.

Is the Wild Blueberry Scone popular?

Yes, this scone is very popular, especially during the tourist season, when everyone who comes to Maine is looking for lobster, Wild Blueberries, and whoopie pies. Last year the scone was re-invented a little, adding lemon and more Wild Blueberries, and this seemed to make it even more popular.

What makes the Wild Blueberry Scone so special?

It’s honestly all about those Wild Blueberries. I grew up in Virginia and we have those big, watery cultivated blueberries that don’t have any flavor. When I arrived in Maine and found these small Wild Blueberries, I was amazed how much intense flavor was concentrated in such a small amount of space. I feel like the Wild Blueberry flavor really pops in this scone and makes it a favorite.

Cutting Scones

What are some of your trade secrets?

One of the most important factors in making a scone is to keep all of the ingredients as cold as possible – this includes the butter, the yogurt and of course the berries. It’s essential to use frozen berries. By keeping everything frozen you allow for this wonderful release of steam during the baking process. This steam is what gives you a nice, tall, flakey scone. If we were to use fresh berries it would become a big mushy mess. That’s what we want to avoid.

What’s the process for keeping everything cold?

We start by buying our frozen Wild Blueberries from G.M. Allen & Son a fourth generation Wild Blueberry family from Blue Hill, Maine. When the berries arrive, we keep them frozen up to the moment we want to use them. Then, we grate up frozen butter and keep it as cold as possible. In order to create a delicious scone, all of the ingredients have to be super chilled. As soon as we are ready to make the scone, we pull our ingredients from the freezer.

Is there a trick to using the frozen berries?

No, using the frozen Wild Blueberry in a scone is pretty simple. We don’t prep the berries. We just mix them in at the end of the process keeping them as cold as possible.

Mixing Scones

Would cheaper cultivated berries work here?

No, I would not try using cultivated blueberries in a scone. There would be too much liquid and they do not have the flavor of the Wild Blueberry. You would end up with a heavy, dense scone and that’s not what we are looking for. Frozen Wild Blueberries are picked and frozen at their prime ripeness, they really hold onto their flavor and texture. If we were to use fresh blueberries it would completely turn to mush.

Who seems to be buying the scone?

During the summer, it’s all the tourists. But in the off-season, it’s men who seem to be buying it. I thought it would be a nice lady thing, but no, the men seem to love it! We also sell to moms who like getting it for their children.

What do customers say about the scone?

I talk to a lot of customers, and I definitely noticed that when we released the new recipe for the Wild Blueberry Scone, there was positive reaction. People really enjoyed the lemon flavor and the increase in Wild Blueberries. They taste even more vibrant now and people really enjoy them.

Are there any other special ingredients?

Yes, the yogurt. Our previous scone recipe used half & half, but we wanted a more tart flavor. The yogurt also gives the scone a better texture.

Wild Blueberry Scones

Easy Dinner: Wild Blueberry Twice Baked Sweet Potato

The first time I watched my husband dress his baked sweet potato I was speechless. Although it was quite a few years ago, I remember it as though it were yesterday. I stared in horror as he packed a 4 oz. ramekin to the brim with brown sugar, and then without a care in the world, poured it all over his steaming sweet potato. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Ever since that day, I set out to create a baked sweet potato that he would deem sweet enough and that I would deem, at the very least, appropriate for human consumption. After years of trying, my husband has finally met his match with this Wild Blueberry Twice Baked Sweet Potato recipe.

The flesh of the sweet potato is baked once to perfection and then carefully scooped out of its shell. It’s then mixed with creamy ricotta cheese, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, vanilla, and a little bit of real maple syrup. The velvety mixture is then stuffed back into the cooked potato to be heated again, after which it is smothered with warmed Wild Blueberries. The result is a creamy double-baked delight, with the perfect amount of sweet and savory. This Wild Blueberry sweet potato is great for an easy fall weeknight dinner, served alongside a hearty kale salad. You could also take your Thanksgiving menu to the next level by serving this baked sweet potato as a fun side dish option.

In addition to its great flavor, this twice-baked sweet potato smothered with warm Wild Blueberries is also loaded with nutrients. Wild Blueberries are not your ordinary berry. For one, farmers do not plant Wild Blueberries; they actually grow in the wild. They thrive in the thin glacial soils and harsh northern climate of Maine, Eastern Canada, and Quebec – the very same environment where these tiny potent berries have grown naturally for 10,000 years. Because Wild Blueberries live and thrive in the harshest of climates, they are forced to produce high levels of antioxidants. This gives them a potent blueberry taste and nutrition edge that regular blueberries just can’t match.

Let’s not forget the delicious vehicle for our Wild Blueberry consumption, the sweet potato! Loaded with beta carotene, vitamin C, and fiber, this duo is a match made in nutrition heaven.

My husband has since been enjoying a baked sweet potato every day. I love knowing that he is getting a healthy dose of nutrient rich Wild Blueberries along with his sweet potato fix!

Maine’s Most Radical Restaurant is Serving Wild Blueberries and Seaweed for Dessert

Second only to San Francisco in number of restaurants per capita, it takes courage today to open a restaurant in Portland, Maine. Not only did David Scott Levi open one in 2013, he made a philosophical pledge that had never been tried anywhere in America. His restaurant, Vinland, is the first restaurant in the United States to serve 100% local, organic and gluten-free food.

David Levi
Chef and Restaurant Owner David Levi at the bar at Vinland, writing down his recipe for Wild Blueberry Seaweed Panna Cotta.

Fast forward to July 2015. Vinland is a thriving, outrageously inventive restaurant that has been applauded by chefs up and down the east coast, and praised in prestigious magazines and newspapers. David was even invited to New York City last January to prepare a dinner at the Beard House, former residence of the famed cookbook author. Levi’s name, his restaurant, and his ardent philosophy, are gaining traction.

On a recent evening, I was invited to dine at Vineland for the first time with two special friends. We chose the tasting menu, which allows one to order five small plates. Because all of us are slightly obsessed with sea vegetables, we ordered every plate on the menu that featured seaweed, and there were a few! When it came time for dessert, we ordered the Panna Cotta and when it arrived I was simply amazed: seaweed Panna Cotta topped with Wild Blueberries! Wow! The dish was not only beautiful; it had depth, complexity, a smooth texture, and color!

Seaweed and Wild Blueberry Panna Cotta

The following morning I called David and asked if I could interview him about his dessert and his choice of Wild Blueberries. With a soft-spoken and very polite demeanor, here is what he told me.

What inspired you to create this interesting dessert?

Well, I’ve wanted to create a seaweed dessert for a long time, and then one day I had this epiphany. We had this seaweed variety called Irish Moss on hand and I finally had an idea for how to use it.

Why did you choose Wild Blueberries?

Wild Blueberries are pretty much the best fruit out there. I was in the Yucatan in Mexico last winter and I had the chance to taste a freshly picked Papaya and it was delicious, but if I had the choice, I would pick Wild Blueberries over any fruit.

What attributes does the seaweed add?

The kombu has a strong flavor which defines the dish. The Irish Moss adds only a small amount of flavor to the dish, but it is high in carageenan, a thickening agent. At Vinland, we order our seaweed from Atlantic Holdfast Seaweed Company in Penobscot Bay.

What makes Wild Blueberries so special in your mind?
They are just a wonderful fruit, and I find the frozen ones to be as delicious as the fresh ones.

Does your local food philosophy limit what you can use for ingredients?

No. We are not Luddites here at Vinland; and I cannot be put into a straightjacket in terms of ingredients. We keep a reasonable level of variety in our pantry. We use cold storage, fermentation, dehydration and freezing. The traditional means of food preservation are closer to my heart, but we use modern tools here and it would be silly to pretend that we don’t.

Are you averse to using frozen foods in your restaurant?

No, since the fresh Wild Blueberries are available only a few weeks of the year, we are open to using the frozen ones. From a chef’s perspective, I do not find the frozen ones to be inferior at all.

What other attributes do you like?

With their high levels of antioxidants, they are just a great local fruit. And since, I prefer fruits with a lower glycemic index, Wild Blueberries just feel better to my body. They are also aligned with my aesthetic – I like the way they look.

What recipes have you created at Vinland using Wild Blueberries?

We’ve made Wild Blueberry Ice Cream; Wild Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes; Wild Blueberry Compote; and a Wild Blueberry Gastrique, served over Pork Belly (a Gastrique is a thick sauce produced by a reduction of vinegar or wine, sugar, and usually fruit.)

David’s staff was busy preparing dinner for the evening ahead, so we kept our conversation short, but he was kind enough to hand-write his recipe for the Panna Cotta.   If you ever get the chance, stop by Vinland in Portland. You won’t be disappointed.

David Levi, Vinland
Photo Credit: Forest Aragon, Kaia Harper

Meet “Future Chef” Drew, A First Grader Who Wowed Judges With His Wild Blueberry Salsa

Kids seem to naturally love the taste of Wild Blueberries, and six-year old Drew Stowell from Connecticut is no exception. He says, “I like the way they taste…they’re sweeter!”

Drew Stowell

We agree, Drew! We were thrilled to learn that he adapted one of our recipes to create his own unique salsa combo for his entry in the Sodexo 2015 Future Chefs: Healthy After-School Snack Challenge.

According to Sodexo, the top five favorite after- school snacks for students are cookies, fruit, chips, pizza and sandwiches. We say kudos to the fruit fans!

The event, now in its fifth year, encourages children to think about making healthy food choices and to get into the kitchen to start learning how to make healthy food at home. This year’s contest included 2,500 students representing approximately 1,000 Sodexo-served elementary schools from 29 states. The students’ recipes were reviewed by a panel of judges and were evaluated based on the originality, presentation, ease of preparation, kid-friendliness, and healthiness of their recipe.

Drew placed 4th in his district competition with “Drew’s Amazing Wild Blueberry Salsa,” which not only featured frozen Wild Blueberries – one of the competition’s bonus ingredients – but also included the clever use of a certain time-saving ingredient. Drew’s mother Allison, a Registered Dietitian, helped us catch up with Drew for an interview and he shares his delicious recipe below. It’s a yummy addition to any after-school snack repertoire that the kids are sure to love. Be sure to try it!

WB: Hi Drew. Congratulations on creating a winning salsa recipe! Tell us, why did you want to enter the contest?

Drew: I thought it would be fun. I’m excited that I won 4th place!

WB: Do you like to cook?

Drew: Yes, it’s fun. I like to mix and measure stuff and do math with it.

WBs: How long have you liked to cook?

Drew: Um…as long as I can remember.

WB: What was the inspiration for your recipe?

Drew: My mom. And I like Wild Blueberries.

WB: What ingredients did you use and why?

Drew: I used lots of Wild Blueberries and added some fresh pineapple too. And I used already prepared pico de gallo so I didn’t have to cut up everything.

WB: Would you enter a cooking contest again?

Drew: Yes. I loved it and I want to do it again next year!

Chef Drew

Drew’s Amazing Wild Blueberry Salsa


  • 2 cups frozen Wild Blueberries (defrost to soften and create a little juice to help blend the flavors)
  • 1/2 medium red onion, diced*
  • Small 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced (add more to taste)*
  • 1 medium red bell pepper, diced small*
  • 1/2 cup finely diced pineapple (or less for a less sweet salsa)
  • 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon (the “secret” ingredient!)
  • Baked corn chips or baked multi-grain chips.

*Save time (and have much less to dice!) with prepared, fresh Pico de Gallo in place of dicing onions and peppers…some will even have cilantro into it too!


  1. Combine all ingredients, folding in the Wild Blueberries last.
  2. Refrigerate 1 hour or more to blend flavors.**
  3. Serve with baked chips. For a nice presentation, scoop salsa into small soufflé cups and place 2-3 chips in each cup.

**Crush and add a few berries and/or add 1/8-cup Wild Blueberry juice (or use juice from melted frozen berries).

Family-Friendly Workout + Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pop Recipe

As a mom, I truly believe in the importance of teaching your kids the value of physical activity from a young age. My son is only 9 months old and he’s already spent countless hours watching me workout. He’s so used to hearing barbells drop that he doesn’t even flinch at the noise. On multiple occasions I’ve even popped him in my Ergo Baby Carrier and done a workout with him on my back!

Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops

So far this summer we’ve talked a lot about fitting in workouts while the kids are sleeping, either early in the morning or during naptime. I’ll be the first to tell you that a workout sans kids is a nice treat for me. But some days, it just easier for everyone if you get the kids involved. Especially as they get older, they’ll likely be more interested in what you’re doing and even try to imitate you, so why not do a workout that they can do right along with you?

I designed the below workout to include kid-friendly movements. You can show them what to do and they can play along for as much or as little as they want to!

Kid Friendly Workout

Afterwards, you’ll all probably be hot and sweaty, so I wanted to come up with a protein-filled snack that would be fun for everyone to eat! These Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops are perfect for a post-workout summer snack!

Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops

You have several options here. To make them slightly less sweet, use plain yogurt. For a sweeter pop, use vanilla yogurt. To make them fun for the kids, drizzle with a little chocolate after freezing. To give mom an extra protein boost, mix in a little protein powder! You can also make these with either Greek or regular yogurt, whichever you prefer.

Making the Popsicles

I included lots of Wild Blueberries in this recipe to give the pops great flavor and an added nutrient boost!

A few things you should know about Wild Blueberries:

Here’s the recipe for the yogurt pops:

Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops

Mother’s Day Brunch Recipe: Poached Salmon and Wild Blueberry Crème Fraiche

Wild Blueberry Poached Salmon

During the summers of my grade-school years, my mom would send me to stay with my Grandparents in Brooklyn. I loved being there. I got to be an only child for a few months and had my Grandmother all to myself. My fondest childhood memories are of those summers.

My Grandmother and I had a daily routine and we stuck by it, for the most part. I would wake up and crawl into her bed where we both patiently waited for Grandpa to bring us breakfast. We ate breakfast in bed every morning and it was always the same: ½ of a perfectly sectioned grapefruit (served with a demitasse spoon) and a very watered down (but perfectly sweetened) espresso. Yes, my relationship with coffee started at a very young age.

Grandma never learned to drive so we walked everywhere. After breakfast we would head out to the food market or go on errands. Afterwards I would play outside, she would watch her “stories” on TV, and at 5 pm dinner preparation would begin. I remember the glorious smells that would come from that small apartment kitchen!

Dinner usually involved some sort of fish. At that time whiting and flounder were fresh and readily available so they were always on the menu a few times each week. My Grandmother made the most amazing whiting salad. It was a simple dish using cold poached whiting tossed with garlic, salt, fresh lemon and a sprinkle of parsley.

That whiting salad sparked my love for cold fish. It may be in my head or just my taste buds, but all cold fish takes me back to that whiting salad. I often make an extra fillet of fish for dinner just to eat it cold the next day for lunch.

Nowadays my mother has taken the reins from my Grandmother. Because fresh whiting is hard to come by, she has quite masterfully perfected poached salmon. It’s become a new family favorite and our go-to Sunday brunch or special occasion dish. This year I will be making it for her on Mother’s Day.

If you’ve never tried poaching fish, you must! It’s so simple to make and doesn’t leave the house smelling fishy or a mess to clean up. It’s also a dish that pairs well with a creamy dipping sauce.

For my sauce I combined antioxidant-rich Wild Blueberries with creamy crème fraiche, shallots, and fresh herbs. The tangy flavor really brightens up the salmon, providing both gorgeous color and creamy texture, with just a hint of sweet. The perfect combination in my book!

Wild Blueberry Sauce

I think the Wild Blueberry Crème Fraiche sauce really makes this dish! It’s a delicious and unique way to balance the intense flavor of Wild Blueberries and the delicate nature of any poached fish. This cold poached salmon is perfect for Mother’s Day brunch and would be lovely paired with steamed asparagus and roasted potato wedges. I suggest dipping the potatoes into the Wild Blueberry sauce as well!

Poached Salmon

Refined Sugar-Free Wild Blueberry Yogurt Recipe + Sqooshi Giveaway

Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters. My daughter, Mia, is no exception. I actually called her doctor a few weeks ago in a panic because she hadn’t eaten anything containing protein in 6 days. Luckily, Mia has the most patient, compassionate and understanding doctor in the world. And instead of telling me to get a grip, she gently suggested we try giving her peanut butter in a smoothie.



As we experimented with various smoothie combinations I realized that Mia wasn’t actually a picky eater at all. In fact she’ll eat pretty much anything as long as it comes in a smoothie cup or one of those plastic food pouches. This morning she sucked down a carrot, blueberry and kale yogurt pouch in under a minute.

I was so thrilled that she was eating vegetables that I forgot to actually look at the nutrition facts on the pouch. Sure, they were full of fruits and veggies – but the yogurt pouches I was giving her were also overflowing with sugar. No wonder she loved them.

They were also a giant waste of packaging (more than 2 billion of them end up in landfills every year) and they cost more than a dollar piece. Not very sustainable. So that got me to thinking – or rather – “Googling.” There must be another way.


And indeed there is. It’s called the Squooshi and it’s amazing. It’s a reusable food pouch for kids. You can fill it with anything, then wash it and reuse it – and since it comes out of a squeeze tube, even the pickiest eaters will suck it down without a second thought.

You can fill it up with anything you want, but this (Refined Sugar-Free) Wild Blueberry Greek Yogurt recipe is Mia’s favorite. It has all the flavor and nutrients of a commercial yogurt pouch – but is a fraction of the cost and has NO refined sugar. In fact, the only sugar it contains is naturally occurring sugar from fruit and the lactose in Greek yogurt. And even when it comes to naturally occurring fruit sugars, Wild Blueberries are on the low end – and they have twice the antioxidants of regular cultivated blueberries. I also like to use them because of their intense flavor, which covers up the (optional) kale I like to add for some extra iron.


You can make this yogurt for your toddlers, but it’s also a great breakfast for adults, too. I generally skip the pouch and eat it straight out of the blender, though 😉

Mia Eating Squooshi

Want to try the Squooshi? I’m giving away a full set of Squooshi reusable food pouches on the Wild Blueberries Facebook and Instagram pages! Entering is as easy as the recipe below – and you can do it twice – once on Facebook, and once on Instagram. Just click the links above for details. Enjoy!

Refined Sugar-Free Wild Blueberry Greek Yogurt

Wild Blueberry Greek Yogurt

Make-Ahead Wild Blueberry Stuffed French Toast: A Brunch Favorite

This make-ahead Wild Blueberry Stuffed French Toast casserole is perfect for Easter brunch! It’s neither overly sweet nor too eggy and has the perfect amount of crunch on the outside and smooth texture inside. It is delicious with a drizzle of Wild Blueberry syrup!

Stuffed French Toast Slice

In our family, holidays are celebrated with food. It’s just how it has always been. Holidays never go by without multiple phone calls going back and forth between family members about the menu; discussing who is hosting and making which dish. Does that happen in your family, too?

With Easter just a week or so away, the menu conversations are currently in full swing! Since we get together with my mother and sister each week for Sunday dinner, we are all pretty happy anytime we can throw brunch into the mix. Brunch food to me is the best of both worlds. You get the savory stuff mixed with the sweet – all at the same time! From my husband’s overstuffed omelets to my mom’s famous sautéed potatoes, brunch is definitely my favorite meal. And if there’s something sweet that involves bread, well that is the perfect combination.

While I was baking this ricotta-stuffed French toast that is bursting with Wild Blueberries my husband was pretty much salivating. He hardly ever gets to eat French toast! The house smelled amazing and even though it was just a regular Tuesday afternoon, it felt like a holiday.

Wild Blueberry French Toast

I brought my Italian roots, my love for all things bread, and the intense flavor and versatility of delicious Wild Blueberries to this dish. As usual, the Wild Blueberries take center stage when it comes to flavor. During baking, they melt beautifully with the ricotta cheese (yes, there is cheese inside this French toast!) and create the perfect balance of sweetness, richness, and creaminess. With the natural sweetness of the ricotta and the Wild Blueberries you really don’t need to add much more sugar. I only used ¼ cup maple syrup for the whole recipe, plus a little turbinado sugar sprinkled on top before baking.

This is definitely a special occasion dish and would be the star of any Easter brunch feast! It’s kid-friendly and gorgeously topped with Wild Blueberry-infused maple syrup.


Wild Blueberry French Toast

Wild Blueberry & Ricotta Stuffed French Toast Bake