Family-Friendly Workout + Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pop Recipe

As a mom, I truly believe in the importance of teaching your kids the value of physical activity from a young age. My son is only 9 months old and he’s already spent countless hours watching me workout. He’s so used to hearing barbells drop that he doesn’t even flinch at the noise. On multiple occasions I’ve even popped him in my Ergo Baby Carrier and done a workout with him on my back!

Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops

So far this summer we’ve talked a lot about fitting in workouts while the kids are sleeping, either early in the morning or during naptime. I’ll be the first to tell you that a workout sans kids is a nice treat for me. But some days, it just easier for everyone if you get the kids involved. Especially as they get older, they’ll likely be more interested in what you’re doing and even try to imitate you, so why not do a workout that they can do right along with you?

I designed the below workout to include kid-friendly movements. You can show them what to do and they can play along for as much or as little as they want to!

Kid Friendly Workout

Afterwards, you’ll all probably be hot and sweaty, so I wanted to come up with a protein-filled snack that would be fun for everyone to eat! These Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops are perfect for a post-workout summer snack!

Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops

You have several options here. To make them slightly less sweet, use plain yogurt. For a sweeter pop, use vanilla yogurt. To make them fun for the kids, drizzle with a little chocolate after freezing. To give mom an extra protein boost, mix in a little protein powder! You can also make these with either Greek or regular yogurt, whichever you prefer.

Making the Popsicles

I included lots of Wild Blueberries in this recipe to give the pops great flavor and an added nutrient boost!

A few things you should know about Wild Blueberries:

Here’s the recipe for the yogurt pops:

Wild Blueberry Yogurt Pops