Can You Clean Your Brain? New Research Shows Berries Can Eliminate Brain “Debris”

It sounds as wonderful as it does impossible: that our brain can be cleaned, restored, and refreshed by eliminating harmful clutter. There’s some brand new research indicating that this clean sweep is no new age fantasy, and it may be achieved by what we eat.

The latest scientific research reveals that what is cluttering up the brain and leaving us susceptible to its diseases of aging such as Azhiemer’s and memory loss can be tidied up through berries – specifically blueberries, strawberries and acai berries, frozen or fresh. The concept marks a leap in a compelling area of science focused on maintaining the health of the brain. It also strengthens an already compelling link between diet and prevention.

The study was presented at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, and it showed that berries (and possibly walnuts), activate the brain’s natural “housekeeper” mechanism, which cleans up and recycles toxic proteins linked to age-related memory loss and other mental decline.

If all this talk of garbage and recycling sounds more like working at a landfill than working on your health, here’s some new concepts to start thinking about:

Brain “Debris”

Previous research has suggested that one factor involved in aging is a steady decline in the body’s ability to protect itself against inflammation and oxidative damage. This damage results when normally protective cells become overactivated to the point that they damage healthy cells. This is, in a sense, the origin of brain debris, or the buildup of biochemical waste. This waste of the nervous system collects during aging, essentially gumming up the works. Without a little cleanup, this can prevent the brain from working the way it should.

Brain “Cleansing”

Now that we have the dirt, we need the broom. Enter cells called microglia. They are the housekeepers of the brain that in normal functioning collect, remove, and actually “recycle” the biochemical debris in a process called autophagy.

This process can be hindered as we get older, and without this “sweeping” process, we are left with the buildup. As a result of this slowing of the natural protective process, we are left vulnerable to degenerative brain diseases, heart disease, cancer, and other age-related disorders.

Restoring a Cluttered Brain

We know that natural compounds called polyphenolics found in fruits and vegetables have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect that may protect against age-associated decline. Shibu Poulose, Ph.D. and James Joseph, Ph.D., (Joseph passed away in June; you can read our rememberance of Jim Joseph here) did the latest research that takes these details and ties them directly to the berries in question.

The research by Poulose and Joseph suggests that the berries’ polyphonolics are responsible for what they call a “rescuing effect”.  They restore the housekeeping action – the normal function of sweeping away debris – that hinders the function of the brain.

A Growing Area of Study

While we are already aware of the disease preventing effects of polyphenols, this “rescuing” process has been previously unrecognized by researchers. It furthers the science behind an important link between diet and maintaining healthy brain aging.

Keeping diseases of the brain at bay seems to be more and more within reach by accessing the great foods that surround us. As research into the astonishing benefits of berries continues, researchers continue to provide compelling data about their disease preventing power  – and that means hope for all of our aging, cluttered brains.

Remembering Jim Joseph – Author, Scientist, Originator of the Power of Pigment

James A. Joseph, Ph.D., author and respected scientist and researcher, died suddenly this month. Joseph was a valued associate and friend of the Wild Blueberry Association of North America, and he will be sorely missed. A distinguished scientist with an outstanding record of achievement, Joseph contributions have had a major impact on agricultural research. His considerable body of work earned him deep appreciation by his peers in the scientific community, and his extraordinary leadership will long be remembered.

Joseph joined the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University as the Director of the Neuroscience Laboratory in 1993. He served as a Research Physiologist for the USDA Agricultural Research Service and an affiliate member of the Tufts faculty, where he was engaged in research involving oxidative stress in brain aging. Prior to coming to Tufts, he served in various other positions in federal government at the National Institutes of Health, the Armed Forces Radiobiological Laboratory, and as well as in the pharmaceutical industry at American Cyanamid, which was later acquired by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. His contribution to science and agricultural research is evident in the 250 scientific publications that he authored or co-authored during his lifetime.

Joseph’s exceptional achievements have been recognized by numerous prestigious awards and fellowships, and have included recognition for his work in the fields of brain aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and nutritional neuroscience. In 2005, he was presented with the International Award for Modern Nutrition from the Swiss Milk Producers, and he is the recipient of the 2007 North Atlantic Area USDA Agricultural Research Service Scientist of the Year Award. Most recently, he received the 2009 SmithKlineGlaxo award for his commendable work in the field of polyphenol research.  Additionally, he served in many roles in the American Aging Association, including many years on the Board of Directors as President of the association in 2003.

Joseph maintained a personal and professional passion for colorful plant-based foods, and his interest extended to his widely celebrated book The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan for Optimum Health. In The Color Code, Joseph explains how vibrantly colored food rich in phytochemicals provide protection against diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and memory and vision loss. The book has been translated into five languages, and many nutrition programs around the world have used its principles of eating colorful foods in advocating a healthier diet. While “5 A Day the Color Way” has been an often repeated nutritional catchphrase, Joseph actually recommend consuming nine to ten small servings of colorful foods per day rather than the heavily promoted five. This “pigment power” principle, which promotes good health and healthy aging through fruits and vegetables, has since become the cornerstone of controlling America’s health and obesity epidemic.

Joseph was also a valued member of the Bar Harbor Group, a group of scientists which regularly meet in Bar Harbor, Maine at the Wild Blueberry Research Summit to share research findings and explore opportunities for future collaboration. The Summit has met for twelve years, and has provided a valuable collaborative environment that encourages the excitement building around clinical trials and their successes.

Some of Joseph’s recent work includes collaboration with Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D, a colleague at USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging and member of the Bar Harbor Group. The study investigated whether polyphenols in blueberries can reduce the effects of inflammation in the brain and improve cognitive performance. Results of the study were published in Nutritional Neuroscience in August 2008 and indicated that blueberry polyphenols succeeded in boosting brain function by acting as an anti-inflammatory, a result that may be a product of the alteration of gene expression. Joseph had extended research focusing on the antioxidant properties of blueberries to begin identifying their effects on signaling pathways that cells use to enhance their protection against a variety of stressors.

While we mourn Jim’s death, we also acknowledge his truly amazing legacy. His outstanding contribution to nutrition research will continue to be appreciated throughout the scientific community, and his kind, gentle presence as a friend and colleague will be fondly remembered.