The hustle and bustle of the holidays can leave you with little time (or energy) to get creative in the kitchen, especially if you have family in town and a few extra mouths to feed. Quesadillas are the perfect answer to this no-time-to-cook dilemma. For one, they are the ultimate kid-food. Kids adore them. And you can hide healthy stuff inside. Like spinach and tomatoes and even…Wild Blueberries. They’re also gooey, which gives them the illusion of decadence and unhealthiness. And let’s face it; people love that, especially around the holidays. They’re also fast and they don’t require a ton of thought. With just a few key ingredients, you have an amazing meal or snack. And finally, they’re versatile. You can put almost anything between two flour tortillas and some cheese and the result is likely delicious.

There’s one thing you probably don’t associate with quesadillas — antioxidant superpowers.
Until now.
These crunchy, gooey, flavorful and unique quesadillas are not only delicious and decadent, they’re healthy, too. You can thank Wild Blueberries for that! Jammed packed full of anti-inflammatory goodness, these quesadillas are working overtime to keep you healthy, especially during cold season! Wild Blueberries are so versatile in the kitchen. I love how they keep their intense blueberry flavor when you cook with them. Which is great when you’re making a dish like stuffing or these yummy quesadillas.
I wanted to add a little something extra to this dish to give it the wow factor! After a quick peruse of the fridge, I found my answer: jalapeno jelly. It was the perfect hint of sweetness from the jelly plus some jalapeno heat to kick it up a notch! The sweet and the heat complement the Wild Blueberries perfectly.

Of course a quesadilla is not a quesadilla without cheese. I recommend you mix it up! I used three different kinds of cheese for these quesadillas. Brie, being the Queen of melting cheese, was an obvious choice (and of course it worked great). But any cheese tastes amazing paired with Wild Blueberries. I tested these quesadillas with smoked Gouda and tangy goat. Both worked deliciously.
Wild Blueberries and gooey melted cheese folded into a crispy tortilla…the perfect holiday lunch!

About the Author

Danielle Omar is a registered dietitian, clean-eating coach, teacher and cookbook author. She is a passionate food and nutrition educator and founded Danielle Omar Nutrition to support busy men and women on their journey to becoming their healthiest self. An avid cook, she also enjoys sharing plant-based recipes and nutrition strategies on her Food Confidence blog. Danielle has a Master’s degree in Nutrition and has been teaching nutrition at the college level for over 10 years. She has contributed to local and national media outlets such as The Washingtonian, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Shape Magazine, and Women’s Health Magazine. Through her private nutrition practice, media work, and group programs, Danielle has successfully motivated hundreds of busy professionals and families to eat confidently and live a healthy life.