Health News: The Diabetes-Cancer Connection

The relationship between two of today’s most destructive diseases may now be a little clearer. This month, The New York Times reported on the detection of an important link between cancer and diabetes, a correlation so strong it is being compared to the link between smoking and cancer.

The news that Type 2 diabetes patients have an increased risk of developing certain cancers comes from the American Cancer Society and American Diabetes Association and researchers and the National Cancer Institute. One in five cancer patients has diabetes, according to the Times report.

The implication that lowering cancer statistics may hinge on lowering the number of people with diabetes is revealing, but it’s also difficult to hear. That’s because the number of Type 2 diabetes diagnoses today is staggering, and many more cases go undiagnosed. If current trends continue, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, by 2050, 1 in 3 people in the U.S. will have Type 2 diabetes – a diagnosis that is already linked with a long list of health complications, companion diseases, and death.

A Diet for Prevention

While the Times report reveals an intriguing link between these two devastating diseases, in fact, we have already observed a connection between cancer and diabetes from a nutrition perspective. In an interview with Wild About Health this past summer, Dan Nadeau, Medical Director of the Diabetes and Endocrinology Associates of Maine’s York Hospital, explained that diabetes is not a disease that exists in a vacuum. Having diabetes means you are at increased risk of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart and vascular disease, inflammation, accelerated aging, and many other complications, he said.

Potent, antioxidant-rich, inflammation-fighting foods that provide protective effects to the body are central to the discussion of prevention, according to experts like Nadeau. Because much of one’s risk of Type 2 diabetes depends on being overweight, he advocates for a change in diet built on daily, ongoing healthy choices in an effort to “quiet the storm” of rampant inflammation inside the bodies of those diagnosed with diabetes and the many at risk.

According to Nutrition Advisor to the Wild Blueberry Association Susan Davis, MS, RD, “The typical western diet, high in refined carbohydrates, fats, sugars and calories actually contributes to inflammation while a diet higher in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega 3 fatty acids is anti-inflammatory. Vitamins, minerals, as well as plant compounds have both antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties.” For example, wild blueberries, most known for their high antioxidant capacity, contain flavonoids such as anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins that have been shown to protect us from disease caused by low-grade, chronic inflammation such as cancer and diabetes (not to mention heart disease and arthritis). And when the inflammatory storm is quieted, our risk for disease subsides as well.

Protection on Our Plate

Coincidentally or not, a large portion of today’s research into berries and wild blueberries focuses on both cancer and diabetes prevention potential. We know, for example, that daily consumption of whole blueberries have helped people with a high risk for Type 2 diabetes reduce that risk by increasing the participants’ insulin sensitivity. And, a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health showed that consumption of anthocyanin-rich fruits can reduce diabetes risk. We’ve also reported on the remarkable study conducted by Lynn Adams, Ph.D. and her team at Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope: they demonstrated the potential of blueberries to inhibit the growth of Triple Negative Breast Center (TNBC), a particularly aggressive and hard to treat form of breast cancer.  We have even covered research that supports that wild plants provide protection from cancer.

Davis has frequently shared with Wild About Health readers her view that we should view food as “treatment” for disease. Just as food can be used defensively as a preventative for disease and the effects of aging, it can be used as medicine to fight disease and counteract the damage done by free radicals that cause inflammation. Such advice is as timely as ever with Type 2 diabetes on the rise and its connection to certain cancers beginning to be established.

Making smart choices in the supermarket and at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner table means better health and lowered risk of challenging diseases like Type 2 diabetes. And when we make efforts toward prevention in important areas like diabetes, we are making efforts toward prevention in others as well.

You can find information about diabetes and diabetes prevention at Center for Disease Control & Prevention, the American Diabetes Association, and at the Mayo Clinic.

Read More About Nutrition, Diabetes & Cancer

Diabetes, Wild & “The Newsroom”

Pterostilbene: Big Promise for an Amazing Antioxidant

Dr. Oz’s “Cancer Detective” Makes a Case for Wild

Berry Good News: Blueberries May Cut Diabetes Risk

Anthocyanin Intake Decreases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Fruit Sugar Fear: Facts & Fictions

Sometimes it seems our relationship with sugar resembles a turbulent tango. We pull it close when we want it, in cookies, cakes, and sodas. But even when we pull away, it’s there – in prepared foods, condiments, and crackers. It plays with our brains and makes us want it more. There’s no sugar-coating it – we love it, and we can’t quit it.

Yet we must. Unhealthy amounts of sugar in our diets are adding calories, increasing rates of obesity and its associated diseases, and even adversely affecting those who are not overweight. Our tumultuous affair with sugar is linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, and even stroke.

Because of the dangers associated with Americans’ high sugar consumption, moderating sugar intake is a priority. But for some, sugar fear has lead to Atkins-level abstinence, causing some of us to blame all sugars, including fruit sugars. Some dismiss fruit completely because they consider it full of sugar, high in calories, or a danger to blood glucose levels. Some reckless diet peddlers even recommended eliminating fruit altogether as a way to lose weight.

We know getting the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables is important for proper nutrition and disease prevention. We also know that avoiding fruit sugars is simply wrong-headed.

Putting Fruit Sugar in Perspective 

What are fruit sugars? Fruit sugars are naturally-occurring simple sugars found in many plants. Known by the names fructose, sucrose, and galactose, these natural sugars vary in their amounts from food to food with fruits generally weighing in at around 4-25 grams. Wild blueberries, for example, have 7 grams per 100 gram serving, while a banana contains around 15 (depending on its size). To put this figure in perspective, added sugar in a soda adds up to approximately 60 grams – and that’s without any of the benefits that fruits offer.

Naturally-occurring fruit sugars are part of food’s structural elements. They give fruit and some veggies their sweet taste. When we eat whole fruit, we consume these simple sugars along with a multitude of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, fiber, and valuable phytonutrients. Whole fruits, with their sugars, are the natural delivery system for anthocyanin, a flavonoid with potent antioxidant capacity for powerful health protection potential, including the prevention of heart disease and some cancers, as well as other diseases of aging. For diabetics and those at risk for diabetes, fruit sugars have the advantage. High fiber fruits like berries, for example, decrease the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream, contributing to glycemic control. Simply put, fruit sugars are perfectly healthy – they are no less beneficial than those in any vegetable or carb, and should not be singled out when it comes to health. They provide us with good energy that satisfies our stomachs, hydrates us, keeps us moving, and quiets the daily ravages of cellular inflammation our bodies experience. And, they do so in a low-calorie, delicious package.

At a time when we are encouraged to decrease our intake of empty calories in favor of nutrient-rich ones, fruit sugars are a gift from nature, wrapped in a velvet ribbon. The best part may be that they are available to us both fresh and in their nutritional equal, frozen. That’s right – fruit sugars literally grow on trees (and bushes).

Wild Blues Have A Sweet Advantage

Cutting calories without sacrificing nutrition is a wise weight-loss strategy, and seeking out fruits that deliver the best nutrition and taste is sound nutritional advice. While embracing a variety of fruits is good nutritional practice, some fruits get the nod when it comes to big benefits. Wild blueberries, like all whole fruit, are naturally low in fat, high in fiber, and have no added sugar, sodium, or refined starches. But with more total antioxidant capacity than 20 other common fruits, they lead the pack in antioxidant capacity, thanks to their high anthocyanin content. They are also rich in manganese, which is important for bone development. And, when it comes to low-calorie nutrition, wild blueberries excel. They have just 45 calories per 100 grams (71 calories in a cup), and deliver nutrients and antioxidants in every one. Watching your sugar intake? There’s no better way to moderate than to eat naturally-occurring fruit sugars via this powerful blue package of nutrients.

In addition to their intense nutrition, wild blueberries can help equip us to prevent diabetes. In fact, a number of researchers have reported on the anti-diabetic effects of blueberry-supplemented diets. Wild blueberries are also a low GI food (they score a low 53, and they have a low glycemic load to boot). Understanding the glycemic values of food, especially for people with diabetes, make it easier to plan meals and pay attention to weight loss and appetite control.

The Bottom Line 

Concerns about sugar consumption in our diets are warranted, but turning our back on whole fruit would be a nutritional calamity. Fruit packs an intense nutritional punch that provides us with valuable disease prevention properties, weight control benefits, and helps stabilize blood sugar and glucose levels. Naturally-occurring fruit sugars are nature’s way of delivering the goods in a perfect nutritional package.

In an effort to moderate our sugar intake, we should start with avoiding additives by reading juice labels and choosing fruits packed in water. We should shop for whole fruit in the produce section or in the frozen food section, and seek out labels with as few ingredients as possible – ideally, just one. Then, we should monitor sugar creep in cereal, sodas, processed foods and desserts. Finally, we should eat 3 cups of vegetables along with the recommended 2 cups of fruit, and choose them in a variety of deep, rich colors. Then, we’ll be saying hooray for fruit without reservations for all it does to support our health, our waistlines, and our taste buds the way no other food on earth can.

Learn more about eating sugar in moderation. is a trusted source for accurate information on the subject of high fructose corn syrup and how to moderate your sugar intake.

Diabetes, Wild & “The Newsroom”

Why This Story Won’t Be On HBO’s New Series 


A scene from a recent episode of Aaron Sorkin’s HBO series The Newsroom takes place in May of 2011. In it, a reporter implores her producer to open the show with news of the debate in Congress about lifting the debt ceiling. It’s the most important story of the day, the week, and the month, she says, and it’s critical the public knows about it. But it’s a crusade with no traction: a provocative tabloid story is consuming the news, and that will lead instead.

The story about the effect of wild berries on a major health epidemic has some similarities to this recent The Newsroom storyline.  Here’s why.

Our Diets are Putting Us at Risk

Unlike some health stories, news about the diabetes epidemic has grabbed headlines. It was recently reported that 1 in 4 children, according to a study from Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, either have or are at risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is being diagnosed in children and teenagers at a once-unthinkable rate, and its growth parallels America’s growing obesity statistics.

“If someone is obese, their risk of developing diabetes is twenty- to fortyfold higher,” Dan Nadeau, Medical Director of the Diabetes and Endocrinology Associates of Maine’s York Hospital told Wild About Health last month. Diabetes is not just a disease that exists in a vacuum: having diabetes means you are at increased risk of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart and vascular disease, inflammation, accelerated aging many other complications, Nadeau said. A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can be a death sentence or a wake-up call.

Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes in America today, and while millions of Americans have been diagnosed, many more are unaware they are at high risk. The New York Times recently reported that a dangerous form of type 2 diabetes also develops in people who aren’t overweight. One thing remains clear: diabetes is linked to our diets and it is a lifestyle disease that is, in most cases, entirely preventable.

But the lead is buried in the story. Understanding the impact of completely accessible, wild-grown foods and incorporating them into our diets can transform the lives of those diagnosed and those at risk. The fact is, help for these dire health issues is available—right now, growing in late summer in Maine and parts of Canada—and it’s being made available to us all year round. The effect of berries grown wild under circumstances that make them uniquely powerful against disease and the effect of those berries on the health of millions is front page news – today, this week, and this month.

At least, it should be.

Wild Foods: A Message of Health

We are fortunate to be able to take advantage of real food that is grown naturally in the wild. In areas that are challenged with availability, government, private, and local initiatives continue to make it more available and more affordable. But why differentiate between wild and non-wild foods when it comes to health and disease prevention? We must. While some of us are getting the message about wild-grown foods, others have yet to understand the implications.

First, it is important to know that wild foods occur naturally in their own indigenous environment. They are not planted or cultivated from seeds. Cultivated foods can be healthy, but they are created with human interference, and too often lack the natural nutrients and minerals that today we so desperately need returned to our diets. (Look no further than seedless grapes and iceberg lettuce for examples of human interference that drastically reduces nutrient content.)  With wild, these nutrients are provided, naturally, in their most intense, unadulterated form.

Another important characteristic of wild foods is that they are strong, having adapted to their environment. In fact, the harsher the environment, the more potent the protection they have. Wild blueberries, for example, are grown in rugged terrain in temperature extremes under intense sun exposure, and they have developed natural protection against those extremes. Phytochemicals found in their skins provide antioxidant protection against these stressors. Ready for another headline? When you eat these foods, you get the same antioxidant protection for yourself. And that’s the natural, wild benefit that is right under our nose. Just think what a story like that could become in the hands of Aaron Sorkin.

Find out more about why wild plants can protect you from cancer

A Catalyst for Dietary Change

While our diabetes risk can be prevented by our lifestyle choices, some diagnosed cases can even be reversed. Exercise is important, but what you eat has the biggest impact when it comes to weight loss and blood sugar levels. A recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health showed that consumption of anthocyanin-rich fruits can reduce diabetes risk. More than two servings per week has lowered risk compared with those who ate less than on serving per month. Wild blueberries top the list of berries that are high in anthocyanins. These high levels of anthocyanins are concentrated in the deep blue skin of berries like wild blues. They work to decrease the inflammation in the body that accompanies disease and provide us with protection.

Eating potent wild berries is not the only step in a program of prevention, but it is an important one – and it’s one that works. Nadeau cites wild blueberries as the catalyst for making major changes for his patients. This anthocyanin-rich, low GI-food doesn’t spike blood sugar and is packed with fiber. It can also be eaten in robust amounts in things like super-potent smoothies which provide a concrete, good-tasting recommendation that can prompt dietary change.

Researchers have also found that the bioactives in blueberries increase insulin sensitivity, a key factor in prevention. And while this news is exciting, it complements a long list of researchers that have reported on the anti-diabetic effects of blueberry-supplemented diets. Such broad but vigorous research can take time; the bottom line of knowledge can be cumulative. And, while evidence reinforcing the diabetes-wild berry connection continues to grow, there are things we don’t yet understand. The blueberry’s antioxidant effect, their synergy with other foods, and the specific compounds that act on our bodies to prevent disease are things scientists have yet to pinpoint.

Such a story – an accessible way to stop a major health issue – can be easily overshadowed by sexier, quicker, one-stop-shop health breakthroughs. But its impact is huge, and its message worth sending, no matter if it’s in the top block on Atlantis Cable News or buried somewhere on Page 9.

The Bottom Line

The wild blueberry is central in the discussion of how what we eat affects the most important health concerns of our time: cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and obesity. The research into berries and diabetes prevention is fascinating, but it can be hard to distill it into a single sound bite. The enigmatic details of this powerful connection is one reason it can only be found in nature—fresh, during the season, or frozen, preserving all the nutrition of fresh. As popular as they are, in some ways wild blueberries are still waiting for their close up.

Resources for Diabetes Prevention

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Topics, trends, and prevention program information.

American Diabetes Association – Advocacy, community, news, and research.

Mayo Clinic – Reliable source for symptoms, causes, and risk factors.

Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes – Identifying signs of a disease that is often hard to recognize.

Studies about Blueberries and Diabetes:

Berry Good News: Blueberries May Cut Diabetes Risk

Anthocyanin Intake Decreases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Wild Blueberries-Diabetes Health Research

Learn more about GI and Diabetes

Dr. Daniel Nadeau Has an Important Health Message

The Diabetes Expert Explains How Food Choices Lead to Big Changes  

There aren’t a lot of people who believe in the power of healthy living as much as Daniel Nadeau, M.D. One reason? He’s seen it. As a clinician, in his work with patients, as Medical Director of the Diabetes and Endocrinology Associates of Maine’s York Hospital, and as an expert on the subject of diabetes, Nadeau has witnessed how simple choices can change – and save – a person’s life.

Nadeau often shares his expertise about the rise in lifestyle-related diabetes in local and national media. Here in Maine, he said, 3% of Maine population may have diabetes and not know it. “There are so many people that are heavy and getting a heavier. It’s a major problem,” he told Wild About Health. “If someone is obese, their risk of developing diabetes is twenty- to fortyfold higher.” For many of his patients, their diagnosis is a wake-up call.

Recently he saw a patient – a man in his mid-30s – who had developed Type 2 diabetes that was out of control. The man lived a sedentary life in a sedentary job, and he made all the wrong food choices, eating a daily diet of burgers and fries – in other words, standard American fare. He was facing grave consequences if he didn’t change.

Talking to Nadeau got the message across. His patient started eating healthy and exercising. He dropped 35 pounds, and his blood sugars returned to normal. “He has a new lease on life,” said Nadeau. “When you make real change, you make real differences.”

Quieting the Storm Within

As a kid growing up in Fort Kent, Maine, Nadeau ate a typical diet heavy on meat and dairy. But it wasn’t long before he developed an atypical interest in health and wellness. In high school, he opened “Nadeau’s Natural Food”, a health food store that he ran all through college. He read all the books he sold, and his thinking about food began to change. “One week I read Adelle Davis, the next week I read Sugar Blues, the next week I read Macrobiotics, another week I read Ann Wigmore and about the Raw Foodists. Every week I had a different diet.” The more he read, the more his diet shifted. Even today, his approach to food is drawn from what he learned back then.

One of the missing elements of his food education was the story of color. Until he wrote The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan to Optimum Health with James Joseph in 2002, the powerful role of incorporating color into the diet was not on even the most informed consumer’s radar. The Color Code directly influenced efforts such as the 5-A-Day program, which encouraged people to get five servings of fruits and vegetables (that recommendation has now changed to 8-10 servings) and helped consumers understand the important nutritive benefits of pigmented foods.

Plants, which live in a sea of destructive ultraviolet light, depend on pigments to protect themselves from solar irradiation and the inflammation that would result from their exposure. When we eat those pigments, we pass on the protective elements to our bodies, reducing inflammatory markers and protecting ourselves from chronic disease, including Alzheimer’s and brain disease, joint disease, risk of myocardial infraction, and diabetes, among other inflammatory conditions. According to Nadeau, “If we can reduce the inflammation in our bodies by eating fruits and vegetables, we are not only protecting ourselves from these conditions, but we are protecting ourselves from aging itself.”

That brings us back to the issues of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in America today. People with diabetes have more Alzheimer’s, more cancer, more vascular disease, increased inflammation, and accelerated aging that leads to complications of the kidneys, nerves, eyes and many other parts of our bodies. People with diabetes have a threefold increased risk of having a heart attack as well – the same risk as someone who has already had a heart attack.

Much of one’s risk of Type 2 diabetes depends on their being overweight. When we’re overweight, our body releases more free fatty acids and our insulin doesn’t work as effectively. Not only are we capable of changing this, said Nadeau, but we can change it on day-to-day basis based on the choices we make about food and exercise. People with diabetes are contending with a body that is full of inflammation, and by making different food choices, they can begin, he said, to “quiet the storm within.”

Rethinking Diet

While he doesn’t evangelize, Nadeau believes veganism can be one way to quiet that storm. As a vegan, Nadeau said his diet is naturally more diverse. “As opposed to having a hamburger and fries one night and macaroni and cheese the next, you are tending to pull in all these different brightly colored fruits and vegetables. You tend to cook different things and you tend to explore more,” he said. He favors veganism for those facing dire health circumstances due to diabetes not just because the diet is healthy, but because it presents a new way to approach food to people struggling with change. A vegan diet enables them to truly rethink what they eat at a time in their life when change is critical.

“People don’t realize in terms of preventing and treating the chronic diseases we face that the benefit really comes from plants,” said Nadeau. While veganism eliminates dairy and red meat, two things he recommends avoiding, reliance on plants is its most important characteristic. Even just a move toward incorporating more plant foods is a good start, he said. For some, that may mean making vegan choices a few days a week, or trying to eat vegan two out of three meals a day.

Adopting a healthy diet in the face of fast food conglomerates and limited options for vegans when it comes to eating out is definitely challenging. “But veganism is something that still has some cachet,”  Nadeau said. I don’t believe it has reached its peak in terms of interest.” He blames the Atkins craze for setting the world of healthful eating back dramatically and considers the country to be in “recovery mode” from the phenomenon. Whether it is because of health, the animal world, or climate change, he believes it is a time of increased awareness of the consequences of our food choices and that more and more people are beginning to eat with consciousness.

Toward a Healthier Meal

“I ask people to take each meal at a time and look at what they are going to eat, said Nadeau. Ask yourself, is this the healthiest way I can eat this meal?” His dietary convictions weave through the books he currently has in development. One focuses on diabetes, another on raising healthy kids, and another on healthy living and weight loss. One secret weapon he gives patients is the wild blueberry smoothie. “Most people like berries, and they don’t have a hard time incorporating a smoothie for breakfast. They end up loving it, and they find it doesn’t spike their blood sugars. It’s a great way to start the day.” (His own smoothie recipe, shown in the sidebar, doesn’t skimp – it contains a full 2 cups of wild blueberries.) Wild blueberry smoothies also provide excellent synergy. By combining different antioxidant foods, he says, it creates a synergistic relationship that makes the foods even more powerful than they would be if they were eaten alone: “Combining berries with something green, with raw cocoa and with turmeric, another amazing antioxidant, you are protecting yourself before you walk out the door.”

Hear Dr. Nadeau on the Power of Blue:

Nadeau recommends a diet generally high in blueberries especially for patients with diabetes. Wild blueberries are low in calories and low in carbs, and for those with kidney problems, often associated with diabetes, blueberries are a good choice because they have moderate levels of potassium. 

For those who eat meat, he advises eating more fish, turkey and chicken, and avoiding sugar, white flour, beef, cheese and ice cream, while focusing on whole grains and legumes in addition to fruits and veggies. He also recommends eating more raw foods. “Blueberries are gong to be better for you if you have them raw or frozen, as in a blueberry smoothie, than they are if they are cooked,” he said. His ideal way to eat food is to allow the cells to release glutens through brief exposure to heat for maximum nutritional absorption – for example, spinach that instead of being cooked merely “kisses” a hot grill.

While forgoing comfort foods is simply out of the question for some, when people begin to connect with the idea of healthy eating, Nadeau witnesses remarkable transformations in terms of their body weight, blood sugar control, and how they feel, just like his 30-year old patient. Are the rest of us embracing this important connection between our choices and our health? “People need to hear from somebody,” he said. “They realize the connection when they get done talking to me.”

Find recipes such as Blueberry-Pineapple Parfait from The Color Code at

At Risk for Diabetes? Be Your Own Breakthrough

Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, affects millions of Americans. As waistlines increase and diets degrade, the Type 2 diabetes diagnosis rate continues to grow in this country. And, it is being diagnosed at unprecedented and alarming rates in children. This chronic disease, marked by high levels of glucose in the blood, puts those who have it at lifelong risk of heart disease, stroke and other serious complications including eye, skin, and kidney disease.

Is managing this disease in our hands? 

Recently, research published in The Archives of Internal Medicine concluded that intensive lifestyle changes, which include significant modifications in diet and exercise, can improve blood sugar levels in those with diabetes risk. Healthy eating, it implied, including eating foods high in nutrients and antioxidants, can assuage symptoms and reduce risk factors. Those reporting on the study have gone so far as to say that diet and exercise trump diabetes drugs.

People who live with diabetes often require insulin (or the increasingly popular pills) to control the disease, and no one should forgo doctor-prescribed medication whether for diabetes, high blood pressure, or cardiovascular disease. At the same time, a recent editorial in Boston Globe tells it like it is when it comes to the degree to which we are helping ourselves prevent disease. We know about the need for fruits and veggies to maintain health, prolong life, and reduce obesity that puts us at risk for diseases like diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, it says. But we simply aren’t listening.

Despite our crumbling health, we are eating fewer fruits and vegetables now than we were ten years ago, and no state is achieving the nation’s dietary goals. 

What will it take for us to help ourselves?

It’s time to get serious and forgo the enticing taste combinations, colorful packaging, and convenience of processed foods and fast foods. It’s time to eat life-giving, disease-preventing fruits and vegetables.

Blueberries & Diabetes

In October’s issue of The Journal of Nutrition, exciting new research concerning blueberries and their impact on risk for Type 2 diabetes was published. The study found that daily consumption of whole blueberries helped people with a high risk for Type 2 diabetes reduce that risk. It was the bioactives in blueberries that made the difference—those chemical food compounds that have a health effect on our bodies. They increased the participants’ insulin sensitivity, a key factor in preventing the disease.

This research contributes to a body of growing evidence that supports the idea that adding this powerful fruit to our diet can have significant positive health effects. Even more exciting is what the subjects of this study did.  

They drank a smoothie every day.

No injections, no unreasonable fruit intake – just a smoothie. As Nutrition Advisor Susan Davis, MS, RD points out, it’s something that is easily replicated every day by anyone with access to basic smoothie ingredients. There are myriad combinations that quickly and easily make super-palatable snacks, breakfasts or meals. What could be better news for those struggling with strict dietary requirements or just looking to enhance health through food?

Diabetes Superfoods

The American Diabetes Association has valuable news and research about diabetes, including diabetes basics, information on living with the disease, and help in figuring out what you can eat if you are at risk or have the disease. They also list their top Diabetes Superfoods.

While these foods often appear on healthy food lists for anyone looking to invigorate their health through food, they are particularly powerful and work well with a diabetes meal plan. They have a low glycemic index and provide key nutrients often missing in the diets of those who have diabetes (and any American consumer for that matter). Berries are touted here (all types, though we know that blues have more nutrient-rich skin per serving) – along with leafy greens, nuts, and yogurt.

If you, like millions of Americans, are at risk for diabetes, there’s only one thing to do: throw on your lab coat and put yourself under the microscope. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime to have your own personal health breakthrough. 

Drink to your health! 

Enjoy these super-powerful, super-delicious smoothie ideas:  Try a fresh Apple Smoothie, indulge in good fat with an Avocado Smoothie, or combine blueberries with bananas with this classic Banana Smoothie. This Coconut Smoothie captures a favorite flavor, and Wild Blueberry Soy Shake is good health in a glass. Mix up some good health! Enjoy!