Purple Potatoes, “The Newsroom” & Plenty of Wild, Healthy Blues: Our Top Ten Posts of 2012

What posts had the biggest impact on our readers this year? The top ten posts of 2012 included everything from purple potatoes to HBO’s “The Newsroom”. We’re pleased to have been a part of sharing health and nutrition research, news, information, fun stories and recipes with you during the past twelve months. We’re looking forward to much more to come in 2013. Here’s to a healthy, wild, well new year!

1. Dig In: Purple Potatoes Have Vibrant Health Benefits
Health benefits from a colorful vegetable caught our readers’ attention this year – so much so, it was the top viewed post of 2012. Hat’s off to the unique power of purple!

2. Five Very Unexpected Benefits of Eating Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are healthy, sure – but they also help with depression, provide benefits for smokers who want to quit, and improve your love life.

3. Wild Blueberry Favorites – Your Top 5 Recipes
What are wild blues best at? Here’s the definitive list straight from those who know – our readers!

4. Pterostilbene: Big Promise for an Amazing Antioxidant
As research into the benefits of blueberries continues, one compound is showing a unique anti-cancer potential.

5. Fresh Maine Blueberries: A Summer Tradition
Those berries on your plate are more than just delicious – they are also a wild summer tradition.

6. Wild Blueberry Research You Should Know About
This new research into cancer, bowel health, heart health and weight made waves this year.

7. LATEST NEWS: Victory for the Frozen Message
When Dr. Oz spoke out about frozen, the message spanned the globe – and the cover of TIME.

8. Blueberries May Preserve Brain Health: How A New Study Affects You
You wanted to know more about good news for an important part of preserving the brain as we age.

9. Want a Little Belly? Try a Little Blueberry
Resolving to battle belly bulge? Arm yourself with phyto-rich foods.

10. Diabetes, Wild & “The Newsroom”
Your love for all three inched this post into the top 10 this year, and helped get this diabetes story the press it deserves.

Enjoying these top posts from 2012? Subscribe to have weekly headlines from Wild About Health sent right to your inbox all year long, or send us a story you’d like to see on Wild About Health on 2013!